Friday, February 12, 2010

Make skate/curb wax

Have you seen the ridiculous prices for skate wax it like almost $10 for a bar of soap sized wax!!!! Today im going to teach you step by step guide on how to make your own skate/curb wax!!!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

step 1tools and materials

to make the wax, you will need a couple of tools, and two (2) ingredients.
the tools you will need:
an Altoids tin or metal container
pot or pie dish
muffin tray
cupcake paper thingies (optional, but highly recommended if you intend to use the tin for muffins again)
washing up glove(s)
ice block (optional)

the ingredients you need
candles/wax (see picture for details)
olive oil

tools and materials

step 2melt your wax

Get your pie tin/pot and fill it with water. Now measure (by volume) how much wax you have. This will be important when you add the oil. Get the water to the boil then put your Altoids tin/container in the boiling water, then put the wax in the Altoids tin/container. As it starts to melt, turn down the heat because if you have it on the highest setting it will boil away the water.
This almost happened to me. I started with a full pie tin and it was almost completely empty by the end of making the batch.
stir the wax a bit to help it melt.

melt your wax

step 3add oil

Now, once the wax has completely melted, add oil at a rate of about 1:2.5 (wax:oil). you can add more, but it might not set. but if you don't put enough in it won't be very slippery. experiment. if you want color, don't use food dyes, use colored candles in the mix.

add oil

step 4pour into moulds and let set.

Put the cupcake thingies in the muffin tray. Now get the melted wax and oil and pour it into the cupcake thingies. Let set. Use the ice block to help if you want.

pour into moulds and let set.

step 5do something with it!

you could start lubing up your rails with your very own wax or you could sell it.
Do what you want with it! its yours!

do something with it!

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